

 Treepee」というテント。 「ハンモックもいいなー」なんて思っていましたが、こんなテントもおもしろそう!夏場なんかに木陰で風にゆれながら昼寝。これ最高でしょ!!でも、大人は無理かな。

 The Treepee® is an exciting new product that combines the timeless appeal of a tree house with the excitement of aerial suspension and a trampoline to create a whole world of possibilities.

 Zipped safely inside, standing Treepee® riders, once they get their balance, can experience a surfing/snowboarding sensation without any worries of falling. The less adventurous can simply ‘hang out’ with their friends in their own private space away from mum and dad.

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